Lone Star Nutrition Therapy



4 Kettlebell exercises: Build Muscle & Burn Fat

Please welcome guest blogger Bronson Dant. He is a health & Crossfit coach, personal trainer, creator of the Apex System, and my favorite fitness guru. 

The kettlebell is one of the most underrated pieces of fitness equipment there is. It’s different, weird-looking, and most people have no idea what to do with it.

Little do most people know, the kettlebell is an excellent tool for building strength, stability, power, endurance, balance, coordination, and a few other of the 10 components of fitness. 

The kettlebell is by itself one of the single most valuable pieces of fitness equipment you could own.

Here are 4 exercises you can learn and use to build all kinds of fun, effective variety into your routine. 

The Turkish Getup

The TGU develops the most of any kettlebell exercise. It builds strength, balance, coordination, accuracy, flexibility, stamina, and even endurance.

Start from lying on the floor, holding a kettlebell overhead in one arm, stand up with the kettlebell still overhead, then lay down again.

Sounds easy right?

Here’s a video breakdown of how to do this movement.

As you change, as you get better, improve, get more skilled, get in better shape, improve your health, the things you do to maintain and improve have to change with it.

The Russian Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is the most common kettlebell exercise that is also the most likely to be performed incorrectly.

Too often the kettlebell swing is used as a simple way to add intensity without understanding the real benefits it provides.

The kettlebell swing is the king of dynamic posterior chain activation. It literally works the whole backside of your body, from your feet to your shoulders.

Want to work on posture, do some swings. Want to get better at your deadlift, kettlebell swings can help. Working on being more explosive, do some swings.

The kettlebell swing works, strength, power, speed, stamina, endurance, and coordination.

Here’s a video breakdown of how to do this movement.

The Kettlebell Snatch

This is an extension of the kettlebell swing that adds some complexity and increases the range of development into the shoulders.

All of the same benefits of the kettlebell swing apply with the addition of developing balance and improving shoulder strength and flexibility.

The movement is a little more complicated because of the physics being used to get the kettlebell into a stable position overhead. Watch the video and practice as much as you need to until it feels comfortable and stable.

Here’s a video breakdown of how to do this movement.

Remember that I am here to help. When you subscribe to APEX At Home, you have access to me as your coach anytime you need me. 

Coach Bronson

Website: https://apxts.com

IG: https://www.instagram.com/bronsondant72/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bronsondant72

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bronsondant72

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkx53Rm4zkhWT2t9zHpx9Xg 

Apex Fitness App Link & Code: https://bit.ly/3tzU2s4 (Code: LoneStarKeto for $5 off a month)


Ultimate Keto Fitness

Bronson Dant didn’t start his fitness journey until he was 40 years old. Since then he has transformed himself and developed a passion for helping people improve their quality of life and gain personal freedom through fitness and nutrition. Bronson has spent years training and learning about fitness and nutrition. Over the last 8 years, he’s gained multiple certifications and attended every training opportunity he could find. In 2014 he opened a CrossFit gym and, over 5 years, helped hundreds of people transform their lives. About a year ago he started The APEX Training System and moved his fitness and nutrition coaching business online.

As a dad and a grandfather, Bronson is super pumped to help men lead by example, find their inner power, and take control of their lives. Bronson’s training and coaching philosophy centers on removing things that are holding you back and focusing on things that improve efficiency and performance. He believes the goal of fitness is to make you stronger and ready to take on whatever the world throws at you. Bronson follows an animal-based nutrition plan that prioritizes protein-rich foods and eliminates any foods that cause interference with the optimal function of our bodies.  

A lion fears nothing.

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