Joni Gommo

“Having been keto for over seven years, I knew long ago I had a problem with sweets. I knew abstaining, for me, would be the only way to break that addiction, but also that there would be moments of exacerbation as well as remissions along the way. When I signed up with Amber, however, I learned a lot more about myself and my addictions to not only sugar, but caffeine as well. She mapped out exactly when my issues with sugar started, when they peaked and what was actually happening in my life at the time. I truly saw how I had been using sugar, and later, sugar alternatives EXACTLY like a drug, because it IS a drug. I realized that I even need to avoid keto treats to stay healthy and “sober”. Understanding the psychology behind when and why I was using sugar/sugar alternatives helped me to be so much more resilient to potential temptations! Working with Amber was definitely like having an “eyes wide opened” experience. I knew I was an addict. I just didn’t realize how deep my addiction went until my assessment! Today, I am “food sober” and continue to work on my mindset every single day. I know that recovery is an ongoing, lifetime process, and I am committed to taking that one day at a time.”