Sugar Addiction Coaching


What is sugar addiction?

Sugar addiction is a chronic and progressive disease that changes both brain structure and function much like drug and alcohol addiction.

When food addicts eat certain foods, a biochemical process is triggered which changes their brains and causes them to crave more and more of the trigger food. These chemical processes also affect clear thinking which makes it even harder to abstain. No amount of dieting or willpower can alleviate these cravings.

It’s important to understand that food addicts are not lacking willpower. There is an actual physiological process taking place within their bodies that has zero to do with willpower. It is not a sign of weakness or a character flaw. It is a common condition affecting millions of people of all ages, backgrounds, and body sizes. 

Sugar addicts need to discover and abstain from the foods that cause the biochemical reaction in their brains. Moderation is not the correct treatment and can cause even more suffering if the trigger food continues to be consumed.

Food addicts put the trigger food in their mouths, but they are not responsible for what happens to their brains afterward. BUT, it is their responsibility for recovery.

Do You Feel You May be Addicted to Food, but aren't Sure?

In order to implement the right treatment, it's crucial to know if your are a normal eater, harmful eater, or a food addict.

A true food addict will have a different treatment plan than a person who does not have an addictive brain.

The misdiagnosis of food addiction is much too common in the world today.

As a result, many people are given the wrong treatment plan. The majority of misdiagnosed food addicts are being treated for obesity and/or eating disorders.

The assessment tool SUGAR (Sugar Use General Assessment Recording) is the best way to get an accurate diagnosis.

Schedule a free 15 minute Zoom consultation to see if I am the right person to help you.  No obligation. No pressure.

Signs of sugar addiction

Maybe it’s not your fault.

Maybe it’s not a willpower problem.

Maybe you’ve been treating the wrong issue all along.

Maybe sugar addition is at the root of it all.

Sugar Addiction Services

If you are tired of struggling and feel you may have issues with sugar/food addiction, reach out and get the help you need.

Schedule a free 15 minute Zoom consultation to see if I am the right person to help you.  No obligation. No pressure.

Sugar Addiction Assessment and diagnosis ONLY


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SUGAR Addiction Diagnosis & Treatment Recommendation Program


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Amber Wentworth
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Specializing in Sugar Addiction

I can remember joking that I was a sugar addict. But deep down, I believed I was just weak and lacked willpower even though I knew that was not true. I bought into the narrative that it was my fault and a character flaw. That’s what those of us who have a sensitive brain and are bombarded by addictive foods have been told.

It wasn’t until I was officially diagnosed as a pathological sugar addict that everything I had been through for over 40 years started to make sense. The constant dieting, eating disorders, exercise disorders, other addictions, depression, abuse of over-the-counter diet pills, laxatives, and diuretics, health issues, obesity were symptoms of the underlying issue of food addiction. What I put into my body was my choice, yes. But what happened to my brain after I had the food/drink was not. 

Don’t let anyone shame you for having a sensitive brain. You didn’t have the knowledge or understanding, not to mention knowing you have a sensitive brain in order to avoid certain foods.

I broke the bonds of sugar addiction, and so can you. It’s not easy, but totally worth it to gain freedom from the control of food. Nothing tastes as good as my freedom feels!


Subscribe to my newsletter and get a free copy of ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM SUGAR ADDICTION? eBook.


Sugar Addiction Resources

Here are a few resources to get you started.


Food Junkies
Dopamine Nation
The First Bite

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